Shopify Bundle update alert! You can now fetch shipping options (such as weight-based delivery and other third-party apps) directly from Shopify and offer them on your ChatGenie Mini App online store. To do this, just follow our easy mini guide below to activate this integration:
How to Enable the Shipping Manager for Shopify Update
1. First, visit your ChatGenie Dashboard > Shipping Manager.
2. From there, you can Add/Edit your Shipping Options. Make sure to fill out the following information:
a. Name
b. Fee
c. Description
d. Customer Initiated Shipping Checkbox
- If checked, the fee automatically becomes zero
e. Advance Order Checkbox
- This feature is only available on Pro
- If checked, a date picker will be available in your Mini App.
To Enable Fetching of Shipping Options from Shopify:
1. Go to the ChatGenie Dashboard > Shipping Manager.
2. Then, click Sync Rates Button