Get swift same-day delivery with Pandago!

Expand your logistics network with our latest delivery partner, pandago. Let customers avail of same-day delivery and get their orders within 30 minutes for the ultimate eCommerce experience! pandago prioritizes speed and convenience and only accepts deliveries within 10 km while guarantees zero surge fees and no commission fees for every booking.

How does it work?

Once a customer makes an order, a delivery request will then be sent to your Order Manager in order for you to confirm it for delivery.

When your order is ready for pickup, you can confirm the delivery and a delivery request will go straight to the closest pandago rider.

As soon the order is accepted, the rider will go straight to your pickup location, and your customer will automatically get a notification via Messenger or Email to let them track their order.

All orders come with real-time tracking.

Customers are also able to see photos of their orders taken upon pickup and drop off on the pandago delivery tracking page.

How much do I pay for this feature?

Nothing extra! All you need to do is make sure you top up at least P1000 to your wallet.

Activate Now!

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